A workshop teaches something.
A sales page establishes a need.
The two can be the same, or different.
Two examples:
I bought an online copywriting guide last year. I still read it now. It was £150.
I paid for that guide because of the authors' LinkedIn posts. Every post he produced taught something. It didn't establish a need and leave me unfulfilled - he taught me something.
And after a few dozen of those, he offered an online book. I bought it straight away.
I attended an online workshop this morning. It was free. Well, I say 'attended'... it was 90 minutes long, and I managed 30 before leaving.
He established a need, and taught nothing. I suppose the key would have been his solicitation for a 1:1 private briefing before we even started. But 30 minutes later, he'd highlighted a framework without ever giving us a tiny piece of information on how to make things that hung on that framework.
If you want me to spend money, willingly and without question, give me something first. If you spend your time making me feel inadequate because I don't have your information and give me nothing, then I haven't got a reason to buy something from you.