1 min read

Sprint 1, weeks 2-4

I'm starting week 5 of my six week sprint today, and I'm thinking of extending it simply because progress has been slow.

The thought of updating this monster without constantly critiquing it and wanting to restart has been hard. There are parts of it that I think are very good, and others where I'm clearly struggling to make my point.

I have two weeks left in this sprint - week 5 starts today, and I doubt that I will get all the work done even if I am focussed and do a ton every day. Instead, I'm thinking about what needs to be covered in each section, what the clear objectives are, if each section can largely stand on its own, and how each subpoena can be easily split.

I really don't want this to me a massive thing that needs to be read in one go. I want it to be digestible chunks with actions at the end of each to think about, check off, and be ready for the next section.

I like that approach, so I think the next two weeks will be focused on the changes I need to make to make that happen.

I'll report back in a week.