1 min read

Sprint 1, Week 1

It turns out that moving from 'barely walking' to 'sprinting' isn't easy.

Sprint 1 is all about finally completing the Simpletenders Tender Toolkit.

This monster of a book/guide has been sitting on my Mac for nearly a year, gradually getting drafted and redrafted.

I've rewritten the thing three times, and it's close to being done... but not quite.

I've been making this excuse to myself for the last six months - that last chase of perfectionism - and for this new year of sprints, I decided that the thing that is important needs to get done. I've also had the benefit of a lot of recent work with a client which has caused me to think about the physical practice of what I preach in the book.

New section titles were easy. Reviewing and redrafting the content is hard.

Every time I open the toolkit - a collection of markdown files in Obsidian - I feel the perfectionist in me lift his head and decide that I should spend an hour considering the content carefully, revisiting it, and focussing on tiny, tiny bits.

Instead of plowing through the guide top to bottom like I've been able to do with massive client documents.

So week 1 has been slow, but week 2 will be better.

I've confronted the beast, I know what to do, and I know the time I have to get it done. So I'll get on with it.

See you in another week.