1 min read


Launching the first version.

So, after I talked about weeks 2 & 3 and how I needed to pull my finger out, I went ahead and launched the short version to… crickets.

Well, sure, I had some traction, but only because I needed to beg people I worked with to give it a thumbs up. And While that was useful, I didn’t get much in the way of organic traffic.

Now we’re in week 4 and we’re being pushed to relaunch and get feedback. So, I’m going to tidy up the site a bit and reinstate the blog - and use that to push the guide more often.

I tried using Writebook by the way, and it’s no bueno. I can’t limit the access of paid users - because of two things:

  1. Once you’re signed up and logged in, you can invite others (??)
  2. Once you’re signed up and logged in, you can see everybody else’s email address (??)

so for both those reasons - but number 1 primarily - it’s not practical.

At least in Coda I have more options for the look and feel and the access to the book. It’s no more cumbersome than asking someone to sign up to Writebook, tbh.

This stage is confronting all my demons. It’s also highlighting my desire to just chop and change between what I should be doing and other, shiny stuff - but I have a target to hit. So I’m gonna do it.

I think perhaps I can complete and release the first chapter to my audience? That might work. Hell, it doesn’t have to stay the same, I can change it as much as I like!

Perhaps I’ll standardise on the topic list first, which gives me a solid chapter list, and that will build up interest in the rest of the book.

‘Interest’, heh. At least I have a foundation to keep working from. This is not going to be an overnight success, if it’s a success at all…