1 min read


Self doubt creeps in.

I want to be an indiehacker, but I feel like a fraud.

Ramen Club members are 99.99% indies, who if they have a ‘day job’ are simply using that to fuel their indie future. They lean heavily towards independence, rather than perceived security of a full time position.

I have felt more recently that I lean the other way. The day job is my main gig, and the indiehacker thing is a pipe dream that might one day come true if I’m lucky.

I don’t feel like I’m making enough of a commitment to the community - or myself - to call myself even a wannabe indiehacker.

I’ve posed the question to myself and nearly wrote a post about being a ‘wantrepreneur’. That somewhat dismissive term for a person who talks up a big game about his love for the indiehacker lifestyle, but behind all that sticks like glue to the comfortable and known life, taking no risks or making no choices that move him toward being in charge of his own destiny.

I mean well in my first post about my desire to take charge - but I’m spending 30 minutes a day slowly, slowly, dragging the Simpletenders guide over the finish line to the point where I can release it.

Right now I can’t imagine what that will be like.

Because I’m not sure I’ve committed enough.

I’ll be thinking about this, and I’ll add more in future weeks.